Foreword by Resident Coordinator

The year 2022 has been very special for the United Nations (UN) in Mongolia, characterized by eventful milestones. We have achieved the planned results and leveraged many more new opportunities to strategically position the UN to best support the country in achieving the 2030 Agenda.

On 20 May 2022, the Government of Mongolia and the UN in Mongolia signed a flagship document that will strategically guide development cooperation over the next five years – the next phase of the UN’s strategic partnership with Mongolia upon successful completion of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), implemented from 2017 to 2022.

Our proudest moment in 2022 was when the UN Secretary-General (SG), Mr. Antonio Guterres, paid an official visit to Mongolia at the invitation of the President, H.E. Ukhnaa Khurelsukh. The visit of the UN SG highlighted that Mongolia is a valued partner, “a symbol of peace” and an increasingly important contributor to the work of the UN.

UNSG with President
© UN Mongolia / G. Erdenetuya

The UN in Mongolia has strongly advocated making the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a national priority through 2022. Engaging with diverse stakeholders throughout the year in different settings and fora, the UN in Mongolia brought the importance of committing to Agenda 2030 to inspire and mobilize further united and individual actions to achieve its development goals. 

In 2022, the UN in Mongolia hosted the first-ever Global Digital Dialogue in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication and spotlighted Mongolia among global digital leaders. It provided an opportunity to share Mongolia’s experience in making the nation digital and offering a global platform to peer countries for the exchange of experiences, challenges, and solutions for implementing digital transformation at the country level to help accelerate the SDGs.

Another highlight was the successful participation in the Transforming Education Summit, leading the nationwide consultation with education stakeholders from across the country. In my capacity as a convener and facilitator for inclusive and sustainable development, it was a privilege to support Mongolia’s successful presentation of its unique initiative aimed to close the gap in the digitalization of the education sector at the Transforming Education Summit, held during the UN General Assembly in September 2022.

Furthermore, the UN collectively advocated for and continued its efforts on stronger climate actions in Mongolia in reversing climate change and leveraging youth power in leading actions to save the planet. Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment was a high priority for the UN in Mongolia.

tsaatan - mobile clinic
© WHO Mongolia

The UN accelerated its efforts to promote and advocate for human rights, including the rights of the minorities, such as people with disabilities and marginalized groups, to ensure that no one is left behind.

To exemplify the UN Development System reform on the ground, the UN in Mongolia successfully implemented two joint programmes that involved more than three agencies in making development programmes more impactful for the target groups we aim to reach through comprehensive assistance packages. 

With this report, I am very pleased to present the development results generated from our excellent partnerships with the Government of Mongolia (GoM) and development stakeholders in Mongolia over the past six years upon the conclusion of the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2017-2022.

The UN system’s support to Mongolia in its most challenging time of grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic was the most appreciated support, offering valuable vaccines that reached out to 80 per cent of the target population. There was also a concerted effort to address the socio-economic impact of the pandemic.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all stakeholders who contributed to the impacts of the UN’s work to accelerate Mongolia’s sustainable and inclusive development, leaving no one behind.

I trust you will find the report informative and insightful.

Looking forward to 2023 – a year that marks the commencement of implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-27, the UN in Mongolia will work together through Joint Work Plans to achieve the SDGs – a shared blueprint for the people of Mongolia to enjoy and benefit from inclusive, resilient, and sustainable development in Mongolia.

Tapan Mishra

UN Resident Coordinator in Mongolia